-File extensies
Extensie Omschrijving Openen met
323 H.323 Internet Telephony “rundll32.exe” msconf.dll
386 Virtuele Device Drivers
ACC ACC bestand imgcomp.exe
ACR ACR-NEMA medisch beeld bestand
ADB Media Manager Annotation Database
AIF Geluids Clip (AIFF) rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
AIFC Geluids Clip (AIFF) rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
AIFF Geluids Clip (AIFF) rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
ALX HTML layout msdev.exe
AMS Media Manager Folder explorer.exe
ANI Animated Cursor
ARC DOS compressie bestand
ART First Publisher Art plaatje iexplore.exe
ASC Image viewer
ASP Front Page Active Server Pages fpeditor.exe
AU Geluids Clip (Basic) rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
AVI Video Clip rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
AWX Custom AppWizard
AVR Geluids bestanden
BAS Visual Basic Module vb5.exe
BFC Briefcase File explorer.exe
BMP Bitmap graphic file, Microsoft picture format MSPAINT.EXE
BSC Browser Information
CDA CD Audio Track cdplayer.exe -play
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
CLP Clipboard clip clipbrd.exe
CLS Visual Basic Class Module vb5.exe
CMD Windows NT Command Script [executable]
CNF SpeedDial rundll32.exe msconf.dll,OpenConfLink
CNT Help Contents bestand HCW.EXE
COM MS-DOS Toepassing [executables]
CPL Control Panel rundll32.exe shell32.dll
CPT Corel PhotoPaint photopnt.exe
CRT Internet Security Certificate (x-x509-ca-cert) rundll32.exe
CSB Corel Script Binary SCEDIT.EXE
CSI Corel Script Include SCEDIT.EXE
CSV Excel Comma Seperated Values bestand excel.exe
CTL Visual Basic User Control vb5.exe
CTX Visual Basic User Control Binary bestand
CUR Cursor
DAT Word Perfect Merge Data
DCX DCX beeld document WangImg.Exe
DER Internet Security Certificate (x-x509-ca-cert) rundll32.exe
DIC Tekst Document NOTEPAD.EXE
DIB DIB beeld imgcomp.exe
DIF Excel Data Interchange Format excel.exe
DIZ Created by programs from disks
DOB Visual Basic User Document vb5.exe
DOX Visual Basic User Document Binary bestand
DRV Device Driver
DSM Developer Studio Macro msdev.exe
DSN MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
DSP Project bestand msdev.exe
DSR Visual Basic Designer Module vb5.exe
DSW Project Workspace msdev.exe
DSX Visual Basic Designer Binary bestand
DTQ Query.files msdev.exe
ENC MPEG Movie Clip rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
EVY Faktuur Document ENVOY7.EXE
EXC Tekst Document NOTEPAD.EXE
EXE Executable bestanden [executables]
FAV Outlook Bar Shortcuts outlook.exe
FND Saved Search Explorer.exe
FON Font bestand fontview.exe
FRM Visual Basic Form bestanden vb5.exe
FRM Word Perfect Form Merge bestand
FTS Aangemaakt d.m.v. zoeken in een help bestand
GED Micrografx Simply 3D projekt S3D2.exe
GID Aangemaakt door het openen van een help bestand
GRA Microsoft Graph 97 kaart GRAPH5.EXE
GRP MS Programma Groep grpconv.exe
HLP Help bestand winhlp32.exe
HPJ Help Projekt bestand HCW.EXE
HT Hyper Terminal bestand HYPERTRM.EXE
HTM Hypertext document Netscape.exe / iexplore.exe
HTML Hypertext document Netscape.exe / iexplore.exe
HTX IDC resultaat bestand fpeditor.exe
ICO Icon
IDB MS Dev bestand msdev.exe
IDC Internet Database Connector fpidcwiz.exe
III Intel Iphone Compatible “rundll32.exe” msconf.dll
ILK MS Dev bestand msdev.exe
INF Setup informatie NOTEPAD.EXE
INI Configuratie instellingen NOTEPAD.EXE
IQY Microsoft Excel Web Query bestand notepad.exe
IVT InfoViewer titel
JAVA Java Bron bestand msdev.exe, …
JPE JPEG plaatje
JPEG JPEG plaatje
JFIF JPEG plaatje
JOB Scheduler Job objekt
JPG JPEG Picture format
JS JavaScript bron bestand
LAM Netscape LiveAudio Metabestand mplay32.exe
LDB Microsoft Access Record Locking
LLC Laplink Saved Connection bestand LapLink.exe
LLX Laplink Xchange Agent LapLink.exe
LOG Tekst document NOTEPAD.EXE
M1V MPEG film Clip rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
MAD Microsoft Access Module Shortcut MSACCESS.EXE
MAF Microsoft Access Form Shortcut MSACCESS.EXE
MAK Visual Basic bestand
MAM Microsoft Access Macro Shortcut MSACCESS.EXE
MAQ Microsoft Access Query Shortcut MSACCESS.EXE
MAR Microsoft Access Report shortcut MSACCESS.EXE
MAT Microsoft Access Table Shortcut MSACCESS.EXE
MDA Microsoft Access Add-in MSACCESS.EXE
MDB Microsoft Access Database MSACCESS.EXE
MDE Microsoft Access MDE Database MSACCESS.EXE
MDN Microsoft Access Blank Database MSACCESS.EXE
MDP Project Workspace msdev.exe
MDT Microsoft Access Add-in Data MSACCESS.EXE
MDZ Microsoft Access Wizard MSACCESS.EXE
MDW Microsoft Access Workgroup informatie MSACCESS.EXE
MFQ Media Manager vraagbaak cmsfndu.exe
MIC Image Composer document imgcomp.exe
MID MIDI Sequence (audio/x-mid) mplay32.exe
MMM Media Clip mplay32.exe
MOV QuickTime film player.exe
MP2 MPEG film Clip rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
MPA MPEG film Clip rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
MPE MPEG film Clip rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
MSG Outlook Item outlook.exe
NSC Netscape Conference Call bestand NSConf32.ex
NFO Folio Views, Microsoft Info document
OBD Microsoft Office Binder binder.exe
OBJ Object File, Compilers
OBT MS Office Binder Template binder.exe
OBZ MS Office Binder Wizard binder.exe
ODL Object Definition Language bestand msdev.exe
OFN Other Office documenten OSA.EXE
OFT Outlook Item Template outlook.exe
OPW MS Organization kaart 1.0 ORGCHART.EXE
OPX MS Organization kaart 2.0 ORGCHART.EXE
OSS Office Search finder.exe
PAG Visual Basic Property Page vb5.exe
PBK Dial-up telefoonklapper rasphone.exe
PCH MS Dev bestand msdev.exe
PCX Picture format
PDB MS Dev bestand msdev.exe
PDL Hijaak tekening hjdraw.exe
PDW Hijaak tekening hjdraw.exe
PFM Type 1 Font bestand fontview.exe
PGX Visual Basic Property Page Binair bestand
PIC JPEG beeld
PKG Microsoft Developer extensie
PMA Performance Monitor bestand (application/x-perfmon) perfmon.exe
POT MS PowerPoint Template (vnd.ms-powerpoint) powerpnt.exe
PPA MS PowerPoint Addin (vnd.ms-powerpoint) powerpnt.exe
PPS MS PowerPoint dia-show (vnd.ms-powerpoint) powerpnt.exe
PPT MS PowerPoint presentatie (x-mspowerpoint) PowerPnt.exe
PT Kodak Precision transformatie
PWZ MS PowerPoint Wizard (vnd.ms-powerpoint) powerpnt.exe
QRY QRY bestand msquery.exe
QUE Scheduler Queue objekt
RA RealMedia bestand realplay.exe
RAM RealMedia bestand realplay.exe
RC Resource Template msdev.exe
RCT Resource Template msdev.exe
REG Registration Entries regedit.exe
RES MS Dev bestand msdev.exe
RM RealMedia bestand realplay.exe
RMI Media Clip mplay32.exe
RNK Dial-up Shortcut rasphone.exe
RPT Crystal verslagen CRW32.EXE
RTF Rich Text Format Winword.exe
RTS RTSL documenten realplay.exe
S3D Micrografx Simply 3D projekt S3D2.exe
SCP Tekst document NOTEPAD.EXE
SCR Screen Saver rundll32.exe
SHB Shortcut in een document shscrap.dll,OpenScrap_RunDLL
SHS Scrap objekt shscrap.dll,OpenScrap_RunDLL
SLK Microsoft Excel SLK Data Import Format excel.exe
SMD SMP DaemonDocument VOD.EXE (oracle)
SND Geluids Clip (Basic) rundll32.exe amovie.ocx,RunDll
SPL ShockwaveFlash objekt
SWF ShockwaveFlash objekt
SYS System bestand
TEX Corel Texture document TEXTURE.EXE
TGA TGA plaatje PhotoEd.exe
TIF TIF Image Document (image/tiff)
TLB Type Library
TTF TrueType Font bestand fontview.exe
TXT Tekst bestand
UIN ICQ user ICQ.exe
ULS Internet Location Service “rundll32.exe” msconf.dll,NewMediaPhone
URL Internet Shortcut rundll32.exe url.dll,OpenURL
UUE Uuencoded file encoded ascii
VBG Visual Basic Group projekt vb5.exe
VBL Visual Basic Control License bestand
VBP Visual Basic projekt vb5.exe
VBZ Visual Basic Wizard vb5.exe
VML Oracle Lock Manager document VML.EXE
VMS Oracle TopSessions document VMS.EXE
VOC Oracle Enterprise Manager document VOC.EXE
VSD VISIO 4 tekening Visio32.EXE
VSS VISIO 4 tekening Visio32.EXE
VST VISIO 4 tekening Visio32.EXE
VSW VISIO 4 tekening Visio32.EXE
WAB outlook express adres boek
WAV Wave Sound (audio/x-wav) sndrec32.exe, mplay32.exe
WCM Word Perfect Macro
WD2 Info Select bestand Is.exe
WHT MS NetMeeting Whiteboard document WB32.EXE
WKS Lotus Worksheet bestand ook WK1 t/m WK9
WMF Windows Meta bestand
WPD Word Perfect document
QPG Wordperfect Graphic bestand
WPT Word Perfect Template
wq1 Quattro Pro Spreadsheet bestand
WRI Windows Write document WORDPAD.EXE
WRL VRML 3D Geometry Netscape.exe, iexplore.exe
WRZ VRML 3D Geometry Netscape.exe, iexplore.exe
WT Tekst document NOTEPAD.EXE
XAB Microsoft Mail adres boek
XBM Netscape Hypertext document netscape.exe
XIF XIF beeld document [Image Viewers]
XLA MS Excel Add-in excel.exe
XLB Microsoft Excel Worksheet Backup excel.exe
XLC MS Excel kaart excel.exe
XLD MS Excel Dialog blad
XLK MS Excel Backup bestand excel.exe
XLL Microsoft Excel XLL Add-In excel.exe
XLM Microsoft Excel excel.exe
XLS Microsoft Excel Worksheet excel.exe
XLT Microsoft Excel Template excel.exe
XLV Microsoft Excel VBA Module
XLW Microsoft Excel Workspace excel.exe
XNK Exchange shortcut outlook.exe
xxe Xxencoded bestand (encoded ascii)
ZIP Pkzip gecomprimeerd bestand
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